A Month
I apologize.
It's been a bit since my last post, but as you can imagine -- so much has happened.
Jac & I moved into the new apartment, and we just came back last week from Sardegna -- one week of vacation which is all we'll probably get until late fall. I was promoted, did I mention this? And life has just been caught up in that lovely whirlwind of change-all-happening-at-once. It really is true what they say about that.
So let's start from the start.
Sardegna: Put a Jac and a Kae on a motorcycle with a tent and just enough clothing to wear everything only twice and send them to one of the most beautiful isles of the meditteranean and you are asking for ... something. Most memorable moment was laying post-lovemaking in the tent while it rained listening to the rain and the agitated sea against the rocks just a toss behind the old blue fabric lighter where the sun has been burning it through for all the years of use and the dim light of the late afternoon and jac beside me and thinking "I don't think I could have written this better than it is happening".
And we saw some really pretty beaches.
Home: I am still having trouble conceptualizing why there is still a positive balance in my bank account whatwith all Jac and I have been spending, albeit less than we originally hoped to spend -- as we are using my old ikea couchbed (which is really just a mattress divided into two parts, not one of those fold-up contraptions) and Jac's old Ikea Klippan (nowhere else on earth do couches cost so little) -- both of which we hope to have the money to replace in the future -- but other than that everything surrounding us in new and fresh and just sort of adds to the experience, and that feeling flowing between us of a fresh start --- not like we needed one --- but it's nice to have one, and to share that. No more miccia corta. Lot's of disgustingly goofy and lovely dovey stuff going on. Stuff that'd probably make you gag. Oh yes and we treated ourselves to a 42" Plasma flatscreen. Did we need it? No. But sometimes you have to treat yourself to something you want...
Job: I now manage all my companies operations and get paid at a price that's right to do it. It means more responsibility. It means being superavailable for midnight cocktails with owners of big companies. But it also means having a more decided position in the company where I can glow, and for that i'm glad.
Various: The news has been too sad to watch lately (sampling: woman throws herself in front of the a train in rome -- 5th time this happens since i've moved here, accident that kills two entire families on the a4, accident today that kills two young children on the a14, both involving huge tractor/trailors, two plane crashes -- the one in madrid and the one in that country that begins with a K that i'm too lazy to look up right now and could never spell on my own). Jac and I watch the news frequently and often look at each other with a sense of fear that comes from living in a happy little bubble when you feel that disconnectedness from all the bad that is going on around you and a helplessness and a wondering of how long we can stay detached.
Not to end on a bad note, or anything.
So there it is. I've been having trouble finding time to write and i've been sleeping away afternoons but I'm happy.
Labels: apartment, atrocities, cohabitation, dark rome, holiday, jacopo, sardegna, vacation, work