See Lola Run

An Italian-American citizen who is not very much of either but lives in Rome, anyway, and is not really sure where she's going next or if she's going at all.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

She'll be a-comin' down the mountain when she comes.

I've been trying to scoop out a post on Lisbon but somehow until how I haven't managed to. Maybe it's the combined stress of EVERYTHING coming down on my head in these last two weeks (apartment, surgery, general feelings of unease) that I don't really want to bother.

So i'm going to "adjourn" for a bit more and hope it comes to me before the memories move on too much. I prefer writing freshly, though.

What it comes down to is that tomorrow we find out if we got our Montesacro apartment and i'm nervous for a lot of things, if it's really the right place for us, if financially it will work out, the comittment of buying all of this furniture together etc. etc.

I still can't get over how ugly the tiles are.

But i'm just really anxious to move out of my current room and start to share a space with Jacopo -- from the start even, while living apart has been appropriate for this first year of our relationship -- it's really becoming a big pain in the culo. Things got better when I moved closer to him and to my work here at Piazza Bologna -- and it will be eliminated entirely starting the first night of our dinner together in the new place. As sparsely furnished as it's gonna be for a few months... I can't really say where (floor? bed?) we shall be eating that first dinner.

That's in 20 days. My how time flies.

That's IF we get the place.

Tomorrow will tell all. And i'll write it first here.

I'm just looking forward to tonight and cuddling up and venting out in Jac's arms and just trying to let go of all of the awful stress of these past few weeks and relax and talk with him... I really just need to 'come down' off it, you know? And being with him is always the best thing for that.


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