Sarah Palin
Is it just me, or did anyone else who watched Sarah Palin, Republican Vice Presidential candidate and governer (small town mayor?) of Alaska --- feel like they were sitting in the Comedy Cellar with a salty margherita listening to a witty, well-timed comic make their 10 minute spiel?
'Cause that what I got.
And they say now the dem's are on the defensive. And that we don't do well on the defensive. And how the heck is it that nobody seems to see through McCain's obvious playing off the Hillary nomination loss when he selected Palin as his vp candidate --- are we really that easy? Is it enough to be a woman and be funny and have been miss, oh what'sit -- Alaska? And I like Alaska. I do. I have an ex and a friend both from there and they are great people and Alaska is like the Switzerland of the US. Neutral territory ---- but uh, I was convinced it was a blue state?
What sort of games is McCain getting at? I want to refuse to believe that Obama's lead was 'cut in half' just because there are women who wanted to see another Woman in power, whomever that Woman may be --- I mean --- she just go introduced to us, we know so little about her and Obama's lead is cut in half? HALF!?
If elections were really determined by how good a candidate could really be in leading America, these things just wouldn't happen.
So really it's a popularity contest, as it has often been. And I think Miss America has a leg up. A very long pretty leg.
And don't even get me started on Italian politics.
Labels: barack obama, democrats, elections 2008, hillary clinton, john mccain, politics, presidential elections, republicans, sarah palin