See Lola Run

An Italian-American citizen who is not very much of either but lives in Rome, anyway, and is not really sure where she's going next or if she's going at all.

Thursday, July 13, 2006

Sailing on a Motorboat

So when I was sitting with my ex, let's call him the Writer, in a commuter train heading southbound to the city, and he was regaling me with adventurous tales of Being at Sea and lockes and catamarans and flying along with the wind...
as my face turned deeper and deeper shades of green with envy...
as I thought... I'd love to take a little boat trip....

I didn't quite imagine that i'd get my wish.

So, yesterday... I spoke to my Gramps, who lives in Bridgewater Corners, Vermont near to but not to be mistaken for Rutland, the renowned armpit of said state... letting him know that i've got a ton of time off and i'd be content to spend it with him... he called me back a few hours later and said "I've got a proposition for you."

He invited me on a boat trip.

Him and his wife, the lovely Judi, are heading to Lake Champlain this Friday for a boat show... staying that night on the boat and taking a trip the next day for a ren-de-voux at a town that is up the river aways and sounds French and begins with a B. Maybe a Br.

We'll be gone until Tuesday.

I may or may not have internet access. I'm bringing my wireless card but i'd be hard pressed to find decent WiFi access on the lake, methinks.

As for the Realm of Other Stuff... all is well. My class is fun. My teacher still thinks i'm a grad student writing an honors thesis. I enjoy the material.

Work is slow but the boss and I keep each other entertained. I'll start training my successor in a little over a week, whoever she may be.

The Artist and I are better than ever after our little "break"... spending time together is relaxed and the elephant has been tranquilized for the time being... or at least both of us have been sedated.... somehow.

But it's good. It feels good. It feels woozy and easy and most importantly... fun. I've been incessantly occupied, with the Artist and otherwise... almost every night....doing something different, be it watching a foreign flick, cooking dinner whilst drinking a bottle of wine, painting a watercolor scene with q-tips, walking along Manning in the not-so-much-rain-anymore, rocking out at 80s night, or playing frying-pan badminton in the street with open containers and getting Put a Stop To by polizia.

I feel as I always have, that now is perfect, where I am is where I need to be, at this moment, right this very second, with the right people, all in a instant balance that changes in the next instant, changing and changing constantly because it's all past and passing and moving and as long as I feel that i'm moving, even in place... I know it'll work out.
