See Lola Run

An Italian-American citizen who is not very much of either but lives in Rome, anyway, and is not really sure where she's going next or if she's going at all.

Thursday, July 10, 2008


So. Upon the -shocking- recognition of just how much mtha-fr*cking soldi (money) we're going to have to pull out of our you know wheres to pay our rent for the next four years of our lives (not to mention to furnish the damn place!) -- i've been working in the evenings as a tour guide for my company to make some extra cash so I can still go out to eat 3-4 nights a week.

Yeah, you heard me right. Go out to eat. 3-4 nights a week. Which, when I think of it, is pretty incredible considering that is something i'd never do in the states. Once a week max. Perhaps some take out.

But i'm taking about restaurant dining experience, wine -- the whole sha-bang. And I guess we permit it to ourselves because we both have limited culinary abilities -- and the food is amazing here in the restaurants -- no canned stuff -- mostly fresh ingredients -- and since we don't club often or frequent bars it's just what we allow ourselves for our 'going out' times.

But we're probably going to have to cut back a bit. At least until we have a real couch.

In the meantime I am going nuts cleaning jack's place constantly. You'd be amazed at how much of a mess two people can make! But I am enjoying it -- I like the idea of 'taking care' of him.

The switch off is that he has to sweep and mop the floors and clean the cat's litter box. Garbage we take out together. Laundry sometimes him sometimes me. I do the rest.

I think that's fair. I hate sweeping.

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