See Lola Run

An Italian-American citizen who is not very much of either but lives in Rome, anyway, and is not really sure where she's going next or if she's going at all.

Friday, June 09, 2006

Ain't Gonna Drink No Muddy Water

A la'work. Should be reading A Farewell to Arms. Not reading. Listening to Acoustic Blues with the Jefe. Wonder if it's raining in Brattleboro. Thinking of adding French to my keyboard language bar. The c looks like it's got something growing out of it that doesn't belong. Craving a Coconut Pineapple Bun from Hong Kong Bakery. Maybe tonight, if the Artist doesn't eat anything in (or on the way back from) Brattleboro. Maybe go with the boys after Gung Fu. Not to Gung Fu. Still injured and being a bambina about it. To the bakery. I'll never play blues guitar well. Will I ever speak french well? Just found out Mike S. is in Pari. I'm green with envy. Jell-o-us. I wonder what Spring is like in Chile and if i'll write a book of poems on Easter Island or just in Santiago. Dying, muriendo, to look at the photo book Ceci and Nelson lent me. They want me to go. They said they will take me in February if I don't go in September. September in South America. My Dios. Scary thought. Just learned rever means to dream. Sonriendo. Slept early last night after a long chat about formagge. Probably watch La Vita e Bella tonight. Was going to watch it two nights ago but Kissing kiss be kisstracting. Olé!

:tap tap tap: ... is this thing on?


I'm way too goddamn tired to type a thing.