Please, perdón for the unabashed verbosity of the first entries. I've been building up all these words for a few weeks and needed some release. I'm OK now. We can move on.
I went to court today. It wasn't terribly exciting but I got to meet some Judges and chat up a few Police Officers. I'm hoping this prepared me in some respect for my role tomorrow.
Tomorrow! Oh GOD, tomorrow. I wasn't nervous until a few minutes ago. But i've got a great deal of faith in myself, perhaps at times more than I should... and so I have no doubts I can deliver what the director has envisioned.
The director called me tonight and we chatted briefly about wardrobe etc. Call time is 8:45AM. They have someone coming here to pick me up, since I don't drive. A glorified extra I
I just called my friend Fitz to come get me and distract me for an hour or two. I want to tucker myself out and pass out before midnight. Although... I guess dark circles under my eyes tomorrow wouldn't be so out of character.
I took a bunch of pictures in short shirts and heavy eyeliner. I had myself a wee little photo shoot and it was actually fun. When else besides Halloween do I have an excuse to dress all risque y sexi and take pictures, hm? I'm going to get to wear my crazy plaid fur coat as well. Vintage-gramma coat and I, we's gonna go down in movie history...

Any dashing gentlemen care to accompany me to the premiere?