See Lola Run

An Italian-American citizen who is not very much of either but lives in Rome, anyway, and is not really sure where she's going next or if she's going at all.

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Ernest Hemingway wrote poetry.

I Like Americans
By A Foreigner

I like Americans.
They are so unlike Canadians.
They do not take their policemen seriously.
They come to Montreal to drink.
Not to criticize.
They claim they won the war.
But they know at heart that they didn't.
They have such respect for Englishmen.
They like to live abroad.
They do not brag about how they take baths.
But they take them.
Their teeth are so good.
And they wear B.V.D.'s all the year round.
I wish they didn't brag about it.
They have the second best navy in the world.
But they never mention it.
They would like to have Henry Ford for president.
But they will not elect him.
They saw through Bill Bryan.
They have gotten tired of Billy Sunday.
Their men have such funny hair cuts.
They are hard to suck in on Europe.
They have been there once.
They produced Barney Google, Mutt and Jeff.
And Jiggs.
They do not hang lady murderers.
They put them in vaudeville.
They read the Saturday Evening Post
And believe in Santa Claus.
When they make money
They make a lot of money.
They are fine people.


11'17 ay em. Home. Wiped out. Not quite sick. Might be getting there though. Definitely tired, besides a several hour nap yesterday and a full night of sleep last night. Called the boss. He said this is why he doesnt like boyfriends or something silly like that. I explained that this had nothing to do with boyfriends etc. but that im genuinely not feeling up to par, that ive got two very swollen lymph nodes in my neck to prove it and I think I need to rest up so as not to get any worse. I dont think he believes me but maybe tomorrow he will when I show him the lovely lumps on my neck. Agh.

I just want to drown in my blankets.

Its beautiful outside, too.

Maybe ill sit out there and eat an avocado. That idea appeals to me. I think I will.