See Lola Run

An Italian-American citizen who is not very much of either but lives in Rome, anyway, and is not really sure where she's going next or if she's going at all.

Tuesday, July 08, 2008

A Separate Peace

Moved in to Jac's. All my few things tucked into nooks and crannies in his house. A candle on a shelf, a bra in the laundry, the medicine cabinet a bit fuller, new sheets. I'm trying to be discreet. I never wanted to move into his 'space' -- that can be dangerous. So i've limited my 're-decorating' to making sure the bathroom is clean and changing the sheets on his bed. I've moved a few things over. I clean a lot. I clean the kitchen every night, because i'm a disastrous cook so he takes care of dinner. We switch off on laundry. I try to not complain too much when he turns on the TV before, during and after dinner. It's nice but it's not our home. Home is 19 days away on a high-rent private street near Piazza Vescovio.

Apart from the lack of autonomy -- that being, Jac lives so far away that I depend on him to get home at night, besides I don't have keys -- we were enjoying this first month of semi-co-habitation. He tells me he doesn't miss his privacy as much as he thought he would. I think that's good news.

And so we beat on. Still no word on whether we can really afford a vacation this summer -- even if its in a tent -- or whether we can even afford the furniture we need to make the house liveable. But something always comes up. I'm doing some tours this month to make up for the new, higher budget. I'm thinking of other ways to bring in some money.

Mostly I just need a raise.

But thats another story.

Life is nice right now.

In other news, Flip lost his first tooth this week and Jacopo got slightly frustrated with me because he couldn't find the lid to a pot when he was making pasta because I put them away separately after doing the dishes one night. I picked up his dirty socks from the bedroom floor and threw them in the laundry hamper and he put the laundry out to dry. All experiences that make us feel a bit like newlyweds... and it's a warm feeling.

I wonder how it will feel when we actually are?

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