Another day, another dollar, another wall, another tower...
So this weekend is a big mess.
I had hoped to go to Chiara's (a friend of Jacopo's) bachelorette party on Saturday, but then my boss throws a fit and insists that everyone show for the Dark Rome company dinner on Saturday night -- which I cannot say no to, also because they've been talking about it for weeks and so I don't really have an excuse.
So I tell Jac that I am going to the dinner and not the bachelorette party and he throws a bit of a fit -- and I can see a bit of where he is coming from although he doesn't have a right to take it out on me -- because it's been a long, hard bumpy road from day 1 between my friends and his friends -- he's never really become fully integrated into my group and i've not intergrated into his ... and so when I go out with him and his friends I often find myself a bit quiet and isolated -- making a HUGE effort not to cling on to him and a lot of the time being a bit bored or just not following the conversations-- and when he's out with my friends and we speak English he's in the same position as me, although its a lot easier for him because most of my friends also speak Italian fluently. But I understand the difficulty.
Anyway this bachelorette party was a really nice opportunity to go out with this group of girls, who, even though i've seen them fairly often at parties and the like throughout the year, I never really got to know -- and would like to get to know better --- and Jacopo would like for me to get to know better so as to eliminate a bit of the awkwardness that often accompanies my presence around his friends.
But alas this dinner gets in the way. I hope there will be other opportunities.
In the meantime, however -- I don't think Jac really has a right to comment negatively about my (forced) decision to go the dinner instead of the bachelorette party --- he seems to want me to believe he thinks that i'm avoiding that opportunity -- because I prefer to be in the company of my own friends, where I feel more comfortable.
Which is simply not true. But Jac, once you get an idea in his head --- its a long hard road to changing it...
So today I come up with a brilliant idea and decide to split my time between the dinner and the bachelorette party. I put this idea to Jac. Is he happy? NO.
He goes off about he "doesn't understand how you manage to get yourself into these situations where you want to do everything and you end up doing nothing!"
Jaw drops here.
Excuse me?
That's new news, he's never said that to me before -- and to be frank its not a very nice thing to say. Now he is right to say perhaps it would be difficult and a bit tiring to go to both and it would be nice of him to appreciate the effort I am willing to make or at least support me in it.
But he must criticize.
He is NOT right in saying what he said -- but upon second thought I realized that doing both would mean me leaving the dark rome dinner at 11:30PM, about 30 minutes before the time im normally in bed and asleep -- so to go to the bachelorette party at the time would kind of be absurd. Even if I managed to make it to 1AM.
So I got mad and now I am just going to the dinner and i'm left in a bad mood which will somehow tonight have to be righted but a good conversation with Jac about some of these out of line comments he makes --- which just has to happen because disagreements between us never last overnight.
Thank god.
I believe we are both in a bad bood because of the hoax apartment.
This morning I bought PortaPortese --- and we saw a new ad for the other apartment we were about to take before the hoax one come into the picture.
Tonight we will talk about whether we want to go back to that option or not.
I hope so. I really can't wait to get out of my current living situation.
It's really unbearable.
Labels: bachelorette party, friends, jacopo
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