Though the match yesterday was ungratifying, i've had a gratifying fin de semana.
Friday night I went with "Ma~" (psuedo for the new roommate), Fitzerland and the Artist to Empire State Plaza for the first night battle of the Blues Bands. The last guy that went up was amazing, i'd be glad to see him in any other venue if I could just figure out who he was... he had long, pale old-mans hair and an albinoish face, circular with distinct rabbit teeth, though not sticking out. He wore a cowboy hat and played slide guitar with gusto.
Ma~ and Fitzerland coupled up (don't tell me I didn't predict this) and the Arist and I ended up in his car in a church parking lot undoing less than 24 hours of lets-be-friendliness.
Saturday I spent on my back porch looking at birds and squirrels. I then received a phone call from an old friend, Susie Q, asking me to come down for night two of Bluesfest. I go, run to catch the bus, the bus doesn't stop and two nice ladies see me, take pity, and offer to drive me down. I accepted the offer.
So I went and waved my cell-phone in the air like a lighter on the slow songs. All-in-all it wasn't as impressive as Friday night.
I'm still wiped out from everything that'd occured since then. Too much so to write about it. Maybe later. But just as a foreshadow, it involves 80's music and the cast of the best production i've ever seen of Waiting for Godot, minus Fitzerland, because he said he'd come out but didn't show.
I need a nap.
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