Update in a Hurry
SO, it's been awhile, has it not?
I've been so busy with work that I haven't written about it. Not busy in a bad way at all, but i'm working with a zealous-ness that was heretofore unknown to me. I am supposed to be out of the office at 3:30. Usually im out by 7-9:30. Why? Because-- get this -- I actually enjoy it. More on that some other time.
And I feel a little bad because I can't spend as much time with Jess -- but it's actually done more good than harm. She's been getting out and doing things on her own, without my Italian to help -- something as simple as heading to the post office to pay for her French and Italian courses (she starts tomorrow!) -- or shopping for groceries -- since i'm away so much she's in charge of it now-- so her Italian is taking off. She can handle herself on the phone now and make plans with our friends, all in Italian. I get a kick from the look of delight on her face when she understands and makes herself understood. It reminds me of when I was living in Spain and just beginning to communicate. I'm happy about these classes she's starting because they are CHEAP (11 euros for three months) and will give her a focal point for advancing her language skills. Also, let's not overlook the social benefits of going to school. Work provides a limited circle.
Next week is Jessies birthday and I wanted very badly to take her to Paris but it's just a bit out of our budget for the time being. Perhaps, though, I have other back-up plans in mind! I was quite sick for my birthday but she bought me flowers and clothing in bed. Wasn't expecting it at all.. the sweetheart. So she deserves something nice.
So, as far as work is concerned... Jess works weekends at this neat little Irish pub called Finnegan's, just a 8 minute ambling walk down narrow streets from our front door, and weekdays she plots her own little business. This pub is much better than Giulio Cesare where she worked until the beginning of January-- the atmosphere is much more laid back and I can tell she likes it more. Hopefully with the tourist season coming up on our tails she'll go full time. In the meantime, we're doing just fine.
Beginning in March we might be moving up in the world -- out of our beloved Via Milano Palazzo and right next door to the Coloseum. Our Landlord, God love him, is still uno stronso but the place he is offering us will be cheaper than where we are now -- And who gets a chance to live next to one of the most famous ancient edifices in the whole damn world? Us. That's right... us.
On to me... tomorrow my boss and I are traveling out to Frascati to begin to make deals and plan for our company's new wine tasting tour (we deal in tourism, obviously). We are also on the brink of starting our Vatican tour -- and it's an exciting time to be a part of. This job has everything I need and look for: I feel indispensible, I feel appreciated, I feel like there is plenty of wide-open space for advancement and I look forward to arriving every day. Such is my luck with work. Plus, the job has great perks... last week we organized a tour for 108 engineers -- and they treated us to a fancy dinner. Can't complain. Also, Jess has been able to come on some of our tours with me so i'm thinking I can also bring her to the Vatican Museums and on the wine tasting tour, once they are up and running.
It's good to finally begin to feel settled. I have a feeling it will be longer than Jess and I originally planned before we uproot ourselves from the Eternal City and move to Paris or Geneva. We have certain goals -- 1) Save money for the next leg of the journey, 2) Speak Italian fluently, 3) Know Italy well as a country, especially the Lazio area where we live.
Recreation -- well -- we haven't been going on long trips lately, we're trying to budget for our trip to Paris and also to Valencia for Fallas. But yesterday was quite nice, we were supposed to go to Tivoli but we didn't wake up early enough-- so we ended up walking through one of Rome's oldest quarters-- Trastevere and up the steep Gianicolo Hill to see the sun set over rome while Eddy played guitar. It's Carnivale time in the city, so there were children dressed in costumes and the streets are littered with Pastel confetti, blowing along the cobblestones like fall leaves.
When we got back it was dark and we made boneless chicken wings with Frank's red hot and even some fried breaded zucchini... drank plenty of Birra for the superbowl that started too late to watch.. and now it's nearly 7PM and i'm gonna head home to Jess and dinner and chat excitedly about her French class tomorrow...
What's been going on for the last month and a half?? You need to update!
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