See Lola Run

An Italian-American citizen who is not very much of either but lives in Rome, anyway, and is not really sure where she's going next or if she's going at all.

Thursday, June 29, 2006

Martinis and Malboros

Yesterday, I visited the Scene Partner before Romantics class. He send me off to class like any good parent would send their kid off to their first day of kingergarten, with a dirty martini in my tummy, two cigarettes, a lighter and two pieces of mint gum in my backpack pocket and a promise of more to come if I was a good girl at school.

So... I showed up at class a little buzzed and spent the first 30 minutes stoic-faced trying not to stand-up/run out and/or scream while I listened to theory-crit-pretention-blabba-blah. Finally we got to the heart of the material and my hand was shooting up at random, regular intervals.

Problem: this is a class full of teacher's pets. I don't mind. This is war, baby. War.

Today I read that, acorrding to a study done by the New York Times, 44% of men admit to having extra-marital affairs. And that's not even including those liars who wouldn't even fess up to it!


Found of the Prof is from Uruguay. Her parents are Greek. She speaks seven languages fluently. I explained to her my experiences with languages and I think she likes me even more now. Score!

The Artist and I "broke up". I don't really feel like writing about it. But suffice enough to say that one of us developed a spontaneous allergy to elephants.

I really want to see Superman. I hear good things.

Last night after class I went back to the Scene Partner's place and got sloshed off of first martini's (which we drank directly from the olive jar) and then someone made me a Malibu something or other. It was pink. That part wasn't cool but it tasted all right. We played poker and we won, and it was an intense game. I ordered eggplant parm and couldn't finish it and left it in the Scene Partner's fridge and forgot about it and now I have to go pick it up at 3:00 if i'm going to eat anything today.

This Wednesday i'm lopping off a good deal of my hair. Oh maybe.

Sometimes I feel like my life is controlled by this big slot machine and God keeps pulling the level randomly and letting chaos ensue. Every time new numbers come up I have to make changes and adjust and adapt.

But sometimes I hit jackpot, or at least end up gaining more than I lose.

I must be lucky.


Blogger Sean said...

I feel like a celebrity now, inspiring a post. On a much more serious note, I definitely am looking forward to seeing Superman as well.

6/30/2006 11:48 PM  

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