See Lola Run

An Italian-American citizen who is not very much of either but lives in Rome, anyway, and is not really sure where she's going next or if she's going at all.

Friday, May 05, 2006

Why I Love My Life

Tonight I felt like kicking off my slip-ons right smack in the middle of the university visitor's parking lot and dancing around like a dazzling dervish.

Why? Because i'm grateful. I am oh so very grateful for my life and the many ways in which I have been blessed.

NO. I did not have a near-death experience today. Nothing too out of the ordinary happened. I worked, I ate dinner with friends, I came home. Nothing too special about that, right? I guess. But, Ladies and Gentlemen of the jury, observe:

First and foremost I am blessed with wonderful friends. I ate dinner tonight with two of them. No, they aren't college drinking buddies. Far from. They are an old Chilean couple aged 66 and 67, who live in a modest one-bedroom apartment over the bridge in Rensselear, next to the Hudson. We met one afternoon which I was doing my twice weekly...

(I pause here to report that Kallos, my kitty friend, my stubborn selfish ball of white fluff has crawled into my lap to keep me company as I type this.)

... as I was doing my twice weekly volunteer work. That is, teaching English, History and Government classes to refugees and immigrants studying for the Citizenship Exam. They were introduced to me one afternoon, as I am one of the few fluent Spanish speakers among the teachers...

(ahhh..... now she is rubbing her cold little nose against my chin... )

...among the teachers-- and they spoke very little English. We hit it off right away and since then I have become somewhat of an adopted grand-daughter. We devised a plan of exchange three weeks ago. I would teach one extra class a week, every Thursday at 6:00PM, in the comfort of their home... and Cecilia would cook us a customary Chilean cena (dinner). "Will work for food". And so it was a done deal! I have actually just returned from this Thursday's session moments ago. I was only supposed to stay from about 6-8 (about 45 minutes of dinner and chat and then the class) but ended up remaining until past 10--- and we chatted away in Spanish about life, about America, about Bartleby, about Money and Family. Then we got into a long one about "modismos" or modern, colloquial words and phrases used in Spain, Chile and other Spanish speaking countries. I told them about all of the silly mistakes i've made in Spanish... I'll regale you all with one now:

Yesterday I was speaking with a Professor of mine from Spain. We always type back and forth in Spanish (he insists, although his English is fine). He was talking about how he has to go pick up his daughters (they can't be more than 3 and 6 years old) from school-- and I wanted to say "tienes que inculcarles el ingles". This would mean "you have to teach them english". Instead, in my hasty way of typing, I missed a "c" and instead typed: "Tienes que incularles el ingles". Incular basically means "to f**k in the ass". You can figure it out from there! Hilarity ensued.

So we had a good talk, a good cup of cafe, a good laugh. SO warm. So normal, so welcoming. I lamented that more American families don't sit down to eat dinner together. If they did-- they too, would experience evenings such as these. It's not a perfect world.

Second. I am grateful for God's good providence in my acting endeavors. This semester I decided not to pursue with any sort of agression the art of theatre or any other related. It's a full-time hobby and I needed to concentrate on my studies. Many years ago I stopped looking for casting calls in NYC for modeling and film... simply because it dawned upon me how nearly impossible it is to break in to the business. I didn't want to waste time on a dream I couldn't pour my whole heart into. So I stopped. Theatre had been my sustinance since, and i've been feeling the ache of its absence all semester.

Here's your providence: less than a week ago I received an e-mail that was spammed to the entire UAlbany Theatre Department. It stated that a feature film called "Aftermath" was in post-production and in the middle of a bunch of re-shoots. They had filmed mostly in Saratoga but were going to do a scene in Albany Pine Bush Police Department. The gist of the scene is that the lead actress (whom I'm pretty sure is Elizabeth Rohm of Law and Order, the ADA) is sitting on a bench, waiting to report her husband missing to the police. There are two prostitutes that have been arrested, sitting on the bench next to her. This is all I know. They needed two actresses to play prostitutes, and stressed that the scene would NOT be exploitive and we wouldn't be expected to dress in anything too revealing. I decided to give it a go. I sent a short e-mail with my height, weight, age, sex and telephone number-- along with two casual photos of myself. I didn't hear a reply for a few days, so I figured they had found others to fill the roles.

Then I get this e-mail yesterday morning. The director wants me for the role. I smiled. I didn't get up and hoot and holler. But this isn't a small deal. First off, i'm getting paid! Not mucho, but it's fifty bucks for the day. Meals provided. I gave an inward "Hooooray!"-- as I was at work and an outward one would have been met with strange glances.

It all sort of snowballed after that. Since, I have been in touch with the guy, Sean, who cast me. We went over call time for Saturday, wardrobe etc. I have to do my own basic hair and make up, and the Hair/Make-up Artist would adjust me as she saw fit, once I arrived. I might have lines. I won't be lost in a crowd of people. I'll be clearly visible. They want me to wear my own clothes, but the director said he would be happy to buy anything in addition that he saw might be necessary for my costume. The scene takes place in winter, so i'll wear a short skirt and a coat that at least covers the skirt, and whatever shirt I choose. Heavy eyeliner. Heels. Gloss.

I'm so excited. My mother was less excited when I told her I am supposed to be playing a prostitute-- but I think it's just fine, as I won't actually have to do anything lewd/compromise myself.

Finally-- I LOVE, love, love my job. And my boss. Tomorrow, for the first time my boss is taking me to court with him! I'm going to have to dress up all purrrrdy and i'll get to stand by his side as he negotiates dispositions for the cases. It's going to be a great learning experience, I know. Besides I am treated well, paid well, given a good deal of autonomy and I feel irreplaceable, needed even. This is so important for my morale.

(Can I throw in here also that I took a final exam yesterday that i'm almost certain I got an A on? Let's see if my Professor agrees.)

Life isn't always good, but it's good.

(Breathe out.)

Ah Bartleby! Ah humanity!


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